Design tokens

Design tokens

Design tokens

What are design tokens?

Design tokens store style values, such as colors and fonts, allowing style values to be applied consistently across designs, code, tools, and platforms. Basically, a token is a piece of UI information. Tokens are used instead of hard-coded values to make it easy to manage the visual style and ensure consistency across products.

Token namings

We support Background/Main tokens for colors, Subhead/Bold for fonts, ic/24/checkbox_filled for icons, img/ua for image.

We support Radius/12 for radius, Indent/12 for indents.

How to use tokens in design

Design tokens are integrated into our component libraries and Modulor. They cover different platforms, color themes, component states, and more. The names of colors and typography in our libraries in Figma correspond to the names of tokens in the repository. This simplifies development: for example, if you change the color in Figma, it will change in different products.

Tokens and development

TypeScript is used to describe tokens. Design tokens are collected in one npm package for quick installation and connection to the project. The generator allows you to export tokens in different formats: scss, less, css in JS, etc.

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